44th Undiknas Graduate School Farewell Party & Global Financial Planner Seminar

Last Update: 2022-10-15    1027 views

Undiknas Graduate School again held a Farewell Party Event on Saturday (15/10/2022) at the Undiknas Denpasar Dwi Tunggal Auditorium. This time the students participating in the Farewell Party came from the Masters in Management and Masters in Law study programs. Overall there were 40 students who were declared to have graduated from the two study programs, consisting of 36 students from the Master of Management study program, and 4 students from the Master of Law study program.

As the leader of the Farewell Party event for the October 2022 period, the Director of Undiknas Graduate School Prof. Ir. Gede Sri Darma, S.T., M.M., CFP®., D.B.A., IPU., ASEAN Eng. in his remarks said that the world is currently facing the Perfect Storm (5C), a perfect and continuous storm. Where Perfect Storm (5C) consists of Covid-19, Conflict (Russia vs Ukraine), Climate Change, Commodity Price, and Cost of Living. The Russo-Ukrainian war and the policies of the central banks of European countries in response to inflation shocks, overshadowed the domestic and global financial sector. However, financial services industry players are optimistic in the midst of economic ups and downs due to the pandemic and global uncertainty, said Prof. GSD in his speech. In his remarks he also said that the Undiknas Postgraduate School starting next semester will open a Twin Degree program which is a lecture program for two years by earning two degrees at once, namely Masters in Management and Masters in Public Administration with affordable tuition fees.

This happy occasion was also coupled with the Global Financial Planner Seminar which was filled in by the Chairperson of FPSB Indonesia, Tri Djoko Santoso, CFP®. Where in his presentation he gave a clear and detailed description of how to prepare for old age with the latest financial instruments. This seminar was also attended by all active Undiknas Graduate School students.

At this event it was announced that 90% of students graduated with cum laude predicate. In the Master of Management study program, there were 33 graduates who received the cum laude predicate with the highest GPA, namely 3.99, won by Eka Widyastuti. Meanwhile, for the Master of Law Study Program there were 3 graduates who won cum laude predicate with the highest GPA achieved by Ni Luh Putu Putri Prami Dewi with a GPA of 3.88.

Congratulations and success to students who have passed today. We apologize if there are those who are not pleased during the lecture process.


Greetings Global. Smart . Digital


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