Undiknas Graduate School Farewell Party June 2024 Period
Last Update: 2024-06-15
Undiknas Graduate School again held a Farewell Party Event on Saturday (15/6/2024) at the Gorda Sambreg Dwitunggal Denpasar Auditorium. The Farewell Party participants this time came from the Master of Management, Master of Public Administration and Master of Law study programs. In total there were 42 students who were declared to have graduated from the three study programs, consisting of 31 students from the Master of Management study program, 3 students from the Master of Public Administration study program, and 8 students from the Master of Law study programs.
At this event it was announced that 92.9% of students graduated cum laude. In the Master of Management study program, there were 28 graduates who received cum laude honors with the highest GPA of 4.00 achieved by I Made Dwija Pramana Putra. The cum laude predicate was achieved by all graduates from the Master of Public Administration study program with the highest GPA of 3.89 achieved by Desak Ayu Candra Wahyuni. Meanwhile, for the Master of Law study programs, all graduates also achieved cum laude honors with the highest GPA achieved by Nyoman Arjana with a GPA of 4.00. At this event, free thesis & thesis examination awards were also announced for students who successfully published scientific articles in reputable International Journals indexed by Scopus or SINTA Accredited National Journals Rank 2, namely Putu Sabrina Permata Sari (Scopus Q3), Ni Wayan Emi Purnama Putri (Scopus Q3), Nyoman Arjana (SINTA 2), and Lavly Mozart Kawengian (SINTA 2).
Congratulations and success to students who have graduated today. We apologize if there was anything unpleasant during the lecture process.
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