Top Students Award & Welcoming Students August 2024 Period

Last Update: 2024-08-02    342 views

With continuous innovation and the quality of learning and graduates that continue to increase, the Undiknas Graduate School is increasingly in demand by the community, both local, national and international communities in continuing education at the master's and doctoral levels.

On Friday (2/8/2024), the Undiknas Graduate School held a Hybrid Welcoming Students & Top Students Award Event for the Master of Management, Master of Public Administration, and Master of Law study programs as well as the Doctoral Program in Management Sciences.

The welcoming and introduction of new students and this event was guided directly by the Director of the Undiknas Graduate School, Prof. Ir. Gede Sri Darma, S.T., M.M., CFP®., D.B.A., IPU., ASEAN Eng. accompanied by the Deputy Director for Academic Development and Cooperation, Agus Fredy Maradona, S.E., MSA., Ak., PhD., CA., CPA., Deputy Director for Human Resources, Ir. Agus Putu Abiyasa, B.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., Head of the Master of Management Study Program Prof. Luh Putu Mahyuni, Ph.D., CMA., CSP., Head of the Master of Public Administration Study Program Dr. I.G.A.A. Dewi Sucitawathi Pinatih, S.Sos., M.Si. and Head of the Master of Law Study Program Dr. I Gede Agus Kurniawan, S.H., S.S., M.H., CRBC., CCD. and Head of the Doctoral Program in Management Sciences Study Program, Prof. Dr. I.A. Oka Martini, S.E., M.M., HRM.

This happy occasion was also coupled with the announcement of the Top Students Awards. At the Top Students Awards, the Top 3 and Top 10 winners were announced based on the semester and cumulative achievement index in each batch. With the existence of the Top Students Awards, it is hoped that it can spur students to compete to be the best in their class.

Welcome to join Master of Management Batch 65, Master of Public Administration Batch 43, and Master of Law Batch 17 and Doctoral Program in Management Sciences Batch 4 students at the Undiknas Graduate School, where students study to compete at the global and digital levels intelligently.

Undiknas Graduate School, Accelerate Your Digital Talent For Better Future.

Greetings Global . Smart . Digital

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