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Number of Establishment Decree | : 1085/D/T/2007, Dated 09 May 2007 |
Signatory Officer of the Establishment Decree | : Satryo Soemantri Brojonegoro |
Month & Year of Commencement of Implementation | : August 2007 |
Operational Permit Decree Number | : 1206/D/T/K-VIII/2012, Dated May 31, 2012 |
Accreditation Rating (Score). | : Excellence | Download the Accreditation Certificate |
Decree Number of BAN-PT | : 5442/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/M/VIII/2024, Dated August 19, 2024 |
Head of Study Program | : Dr. I.G.A.A. Dewi Sucitawathi Pinatih, S.Sos., M.Si. |
Vision of the Master of Public Administration Study Program
By still referring to the vision of the Undiknas Graduate School and the Undiknas Graduate School Strategic Plan, the following vision was created:Developing the Master of Public Administration Study Program to become a quality study program that is ready to compete in the globalization era based on Tri Hita Karana
Mission of the Master of Public Administration Study Program
Based on this vision and considering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, the Undiknas Public Administration Masters study program has the mission that graduates of the Undiknas Public Administration Masters study program:a. | Having a strong personality, independent, honest, satya discourse and being assertive and responsible in implementing the concept of Tri Hita Karana in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education; |
b. | Have extensive knowledge and ability to work on the science of public administration both philosophically, theoretically and practically; |
c. | Able to plan, design and evaluate public and development policies and able to develop qualitative and quantitative research on issues of public policy and development; |
d. | Have sensitivity and concern for the dynamics of humanity and the plurality of national life and be able to provide solutions to various problems in society. |
Objectives of the Master of Public Administration Study Program
In order to carry out the mission, the Undiknas Public Administration Masters study program sets several strategic goals with the following formulation:a. | Have output, which consists of graduates, research, and publication of research results in journals whose quantity and quality are increasing; |
b. | To produce graduates who have the ability to understand, analyze and make professional decisions in the field of public policy and local government administration; |
c. | Have quality educational materials and curriculum that are relevant to the changing times, especially relevant to the needs of government administration and public administration in general; |
d. | Producing graduates who have the ability to conduct research; |
e. | To produce graduates who care, are sensitive and responsive to the social world as a manifestation of the spirit of community service. |

The Master of Public Administration Study Program has also determined the milestones that will become a benchmark for the journey to become a superior master program in the future. These milestones will become the basis for determining the strategies that must be implemented to achieve its vision. The milestones that have been determined are as follows:
1. | In Year 2018 – 2022 This phase focuses on the existence of the Undiknas Denpasar Public Administration Masters Study Program at the national level, which is realized by:
• Involve the Master of Public Administration Study Program as part of various public administration institutions at the national level so that they are always updated on the latest issues in the field of public administration. • Lecturers who are recruited are required to have a minimum education of a doctorate from a nationally renowned university. • Enrich cooperation with various well-known universities as well as government and private institutions. • Exploring collaborations in the field of research and service. |
2. | In Year 2023 – 2027 This phase focuses on the readiness of the Undiknas Denpasar Master of Public Administration study program to compete at the ASEAN level, which is manifested in:
• Recruitment of lecturers who have doctoral education qualifications from reputable overseas universities. • Improving the quality of academic programs and the quality of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education so that they can register as members of international accreditation bodies. • Strengthening the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through synergies with partner universities in ASEAN countries without closing opportunities for synergies with universities in other regions (for example universities in Australia, the United States and Europe) • Intense mobility of students and lecturers at the ASEAN level through programs such as: Joint research, Joint publications, Student exchanges and Academic conferences. |
3. | In Year 2028 – 2032 In this phase the Master of Public Administration Study Program has been able to compete with universities at the ASEAN level.
• Ensuring Undiknas Denpasar Public Administration Masters Study Program becomes a university with a rank of 750 at the ASEAN level. • Become a member in an accreditation body at the ASEAN level. • Lecturers are used to doing international research publications at the ASEAN level. • Becoming a Masters study destination for students from ASEAN countries. |
4. | In Year 2033 – 2037 This phase focuses on the readiness of the Undiknas Denpasar Master of Public Administration study program to compete at the Asian level, which is manifested in :
• Synergize with partner universities in Asian countries without closing opportunities for synergies with universities in other regions (for example universities in Australia, the United States and Europe) in order to strengthen the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. • Become part of a reputable educational forum/organization at the Asian level. • Intense mobility of students and lecturers at the Asian level through programs such as: Joint research, Joint publication, Student exchange dan Academic conference. |
5. | In 2038 – 2042 This phase focuses on strengthening the final steps in achieving the vision, which is embodied in :
• Achieved the status of Master of Public Administration Study Program which is accredited by an accreditation body at the Asian/International level. • Intense activity in an Asian setting through membership in an international accreditation body. • Implementation of tridharma programs at international level through synergy with partner universities in Asia-Pacific countries, Europe, America and other regions of the world. • Intense mobility of students and lecturers at the Asia-Pacific, European, American and other regions of the world through programs such as: Joint research, Joint publications, Student exchanges, Academic exchanges, Visiting professors, Academic conferences. • Ensuring that the Master of Public Administration Study Program is included in the top 1000 list of reputable international rankings at the Asian level. |
Targets and Achievement Strategies of the Master of Public Administration Study Program
The medium-term goal to be achieved by Undiknas's Master of Public Administration study program is :a. | Realization of graduates who are able to master conceptual skills and technical skills very well; |
b. | Realization of graduates who are able to become researchers in the framework of science and technology development; |
c. | The realization of graduates who have high social concern for society and the environment; |
d. | Producing graduates who are able to carry out conceptual work professionally and have competence and competitive advantage at the national & global level, and are able to work under pressure due to the work occupied; |
e. | Producing graduates who can be accepted at leading universities to continue their studies at a higher level; |
f. | Increasing the ability of academicians who are independent (independent), have autonomy and the ability to direct themselves (self-directed) in carrying out various academic activities; |
g. | Collaboration with the public, private sector, and government in the context of implementing tertiary institutions; |
h. | Cooperation in the field of education and research with similar educational institutions at the regional (CAFTA) and global levels has been very well implemented. |
The strategies that have been carried out include:
1. | Have educational materials and curricula that are relevant and advanced in meeting the needs of the academic, industrial and professional circles; |
2. | Running an efficient and effective educational process; |
3. | Implementing a very good Quality Assurance System which includes academic and non-academic aspects; |
4. | Providing learning process facilities that use the latest information technology (up to date); |
5. | Improving the knowledge and quality of lecturers through organizing and participating in national and/or international seminars, workshops and training; |
6. | Increasing the knowledge and quality of students through training activities, seminars, public lectures and so on; |
7. | Accepted students have a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 450 and at the time of graduation a minimum score of 500; |
8. | Lecturers create their own textbooks using various sources (text books, internet, etc.); |
9. | Providing maximum resources to support the various cooperation programs that will be realized. |
10. | Adding and updating facilities and infrastructure, including software and hardware. |