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Management Science Doctoral Program
Number of Establishment Decree |
: 225/E/O/2022, Dated March 22, 2022 |
Official Signing Decree of Establishment |
: Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie |
Month & Year of Commencement of Implementation |
: April 2022 |
Accreditation Rating (Score). |
: Very Good | Download the Accreditation Certificate |
Decree Number of LAMEMBA |
: 1190/DE/A.5/AR.10/V/2024, Dated May 3, 2024 |
Head of The Study Program |
: Prof. Dr. I.A. Oka Martini S.E., M.M., HRM. |
Vision of Management Science Doctoral Program
By still referring to the vision of the Undiknas Graduate School and the Undiknas Graduate School Strategic Plan, the following vision was created:
In 2034, it will become an excellent study program in the field of Higher Education's Tri Dharma imbued with the values of Tri Hita Karana to produce human resources with integrity, professionalism, global and digital insight.
Mission of the Management Science Doctoral Program
Based on the vision of the study program as described above, the Undiknas Management Science Doctoral Program formulates the mission as follows:
1. |
Carry out quality management education imbued with Tri Hita Karana values in order to produce human resources (HR) with integrity, professionalism, global and digital perspectives; |
2. |
Carry out quality management research imbued with Tri Hita Karana values for the development of science and technology, the development of educational materials, and the advancement of society; |
3. |
Carry out quality community service imbued with the values of Tri Hita Karana as a manifestation of the real contribution of the Undiknas Management Science Doctoral Program to improving the quality of life of the community; |
4. |
Carry out institutional strengthening of study programs and implement governance according to the principles of international good university governance imbued with the values of Tri Hita Karana; |
5. |
Carry out improvements in the quality of study program resources with reference to international standards and technological advances, while remaining grounded in the values of local wisdom; |
6. |
Establish strategic and sustainable cooperation with relevant institutions at the international, national and local levels. |
Objectives of the Management Science Doctoral Program
In line with the vision and mission of the study program as described above, Undiknas Management Science Doctoral Program formulates the following objectives:
1. |
Carrying out a holistic teaching and learning process oriented towards technological progress, always referring to high quality standards and best practices at the international level; |
2. |
Producing management research findings that present the latest innovations in management theory and practice, which are published internationally; |
3. |
Producing works of community service through the application of management research results, science and technology by always upholding the values adopted by the community; |
4. |
Strengthen the position and legitimacy of study programs in society; |
5. |
Ensuring the fulfillment of the best criteria for accreditation of study programs by national accreditation bodies, as well as realizing accredited status by international accreditation bodies by demonstrating the value of local wisdom as uniqueness; |
6. |
Improving the quality of human resources, physical infrastructure, digital technology infrastructure, and study program financial resources in a sustainable manner, with an orientation towards technological advances, international level qualifications, and local wisdom values; |
7. |
Expanding study program collaboration networks with overseas institutions, international institutions, national-level institutions, and local institutions, as well as optimizing the utilization of the results. |